
These are my selected publications only. To see my full publications list, please visit my Google Scholar profile.

Peer reviewed contributions

Bastien G, Barkley A, Chappus J, Heath V, Popov S, Smith R, Tran T, Currier S, Okpara P, Owen V, Madigan D, Franks B, Hueter R, Fischer C, McBride B, and Hussey N. 2020. Inconspicuous, recovering, or northward shift: Status and management of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2020-0055

Coulter A, Cashion T, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Popov S, Tsui G, Le Manach F, Schiller L, Palomares MLD, Zeller D, and Pauly D. 2019. Using harmonized historical catch data to infer the expansion of global tuna fisheries. Fisheries Research. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105379

Popov S and Zeller D. 2018. Reconstructed fisheries catches in the Barents Sea: 1950-2015. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00266

Data contributions

Feyrer JF, Trueman C, Plint T, Hersh T, Popov S, Sabin RC. 2023. Stable isotopes of northern bottlenose whales in the eastern North Atlantic. OSF. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ASXNR

Conferences & Presentations

Popov S, Davidson E, Orrell D. Nov 16, 2021. Sit Tight or Flight: How Marine Organisms Weather the Storm [Oral Presentation - International Conference]. Ocean Tracking Network Symposium, Halifax, NS, CA.

Popov S, Barkley A, Lees KJ, Hussey, NE. Dec 14, 2019. Latitudinal patterns of elasmobranch dietary niche breadth [Oral Presentation - International Conference]. British Ecological Society, Belfast, NI.

Popov S. Dec 05, 2019. Latitudinal patterns of elasmobranch niche breadth [Oral Presentation - Invited Guest Lecture]. Host: Dr. David Sims, Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, UK.

Popov S, Barkley A, Hussey, NE. May 13-17, 2019. Breadth of the Wild: global patterns of dietary niche across latitude in the marine realm [Oral Presentation - National Conference]. Canadian Society of Zoology, Windsor, ON, CA.

Non-Peer reviewed contributions

Popov S (2021). Mapping ‘niche’ from the mountaintops to the deep sea. The Marine Biologist Magazine (19), pp. 14-17. July 2021. (Cover story. Contributed both article and cover illustration.)