
Sarah Popov, MSc

I’m a marine ecologist with a strong data science background. Always looking for opportunities to grow as a scientist. Currently available for consulting.



My current research interests lie in:

  1. Theoretical ecology in the marine environment, with particular focus on dietary niche and community dynamics;
  2. The use of eDNA and stable isotopes to explore marine food webs;
  3. The importance of large storm events in shaping marine communities.

I also love helping other lab groups get a handle on monstrous amounts of data and working with databases. If you have any active research or data management opportunities you think I’d be a good fit for, please reach out to inquire about consulting.

Get in touch

sarah [dot] popov [at] mail.mcgill.ca

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The best way to get in touch is to email me - I’ve drastically cut back on my social media consumption in the last year. But in case you still wish to follow my occasional updates..